Prince William Sound (58 images)
Prince William Sound, Alaska is one of the most beautiful places on earth. In early May, 2011, Ed Bennett of Bennett Images spent a week on the sound, traveling from Cordova to Whittier on the research vessel Auklet, then spending a few days with friends in a pubic use cabin.
050811 PWS 049.tif
Surfbirds (Aphriza virgata) rest on the Gravina...
050811 PWS 066.tif
Surfbirds (Aphriza virgata) rest on the Gravina...
050811 PWS 079.tif
Surfbirds (Aphriza virgata) rest on the Gravina...
050811 PWS 086.tif
Pelagic cormorants (Phalacrocorax pelagicus)...
050811 PWS 1048.tif
The Reluctant Fisherman Inn is a well-known...
050811 PWS 1050.tif
The Reluctant Fisherman Inn is a well-known...
050811 PWS 1060.tif
The M/V Auklet, a 58-foot wooden research...
050811 PWS 1063.tif
From left, Dan Logan, John DeLapp and Joe Flynn...
050811 PWS 1290.tif
Captain David Janka steers the M/V Auklet as it...
050811 PWS 1326.tif
A dead gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus)...
050811 PWS 1328.tif
Joe Flyn photographs a dead gray whale...
050811 PWS 1348.tif
Bergy bits and brash ice float in Glacier...
050811 PWS 1365.tif
Bergy bits and brash ice float in Glacier...
050811 PWS 1369.tif
The M/V Auklet travels through broken ice in...
050811 PWS 1374.tif
Bergy bits and brash ice float in Glacier...
050811 PWS 1379.tif
Bergy bits and brash ice float in Glacier...
050811 PWS 1397.tif
Dan Logan hands gear to John DeLapp from the...
050811 PWS 1412.tif
From left, John DeLapp, David Janka and Joe...
050811 PWS 1420.tif
From left, John DeLapp, David Janka and Joe...
050811 PWS 1723.tif
The tails of two humpback whales (Megaptera...
050811 PWS 1824.tif
An oil tanker, trailed by a support vessel,...
050811 PWS 1858.tif
A Bonaparte's Gull (Larus philadelphia) is...
050811 PWS 1944.tif
Pelagic Cormorants (Phalacrocorax pelagicus)...
050811 PWS 2047.tif
Icebergs float in Columbia Bay , Prince William...
050811 PWS 2052.tif
John DeLapp takes a picture of iceberg-filled...
050811 PWS 2053.tif
John DeLapp takes a picture of iceberg-filled...
050811 PWS 2054.tif
Icebergs surround the M/V Auklet's red Zodiac...
050811 PWS 2070.tif
The setting sun lights up icebergs floating in...
050811 PWS 2077.tif
The M/V Auklet at anchor in Heather Bay, Prince...
050811 PWS 2097.tif
A melting iceberg stranded on Heather Island...
050811 PWS 2107.tif
Captain David Janka pushes on his red Zodiac...
050811 PWS 2117.tif
The M/V Auklet sails through bergy bits and...
050811 PWS 2121.tif
The M/V Auklet sails through bergy bits and...
050811 PWS 2122.tif
The M/V Auklet sails through bergy bits and...
050811 PWS 2124.tif
The M/V Auklet sails through bergy bits and...
050811 PWS 2125.tif
The M/V Auklet prepares to enter a small cove...
050811 PWS 2131.tif
Captain David Janka shows off the diesel engine...
050811 PWS 2150.tif
Dan Logan, left, crewman on the M/V Auklet,...
050811 PWS 2331.tif
Dug Huntman, with his wife, Renee Huntman...
050811 PWS 2342.tif
Dug Huntman, throws a buoy overboard to mark...
050811 PWS 2373.tif
Dug Huntman helps his young son, Sam up the...
050811 PWS 2374.tif
Georgia Bennett, left, and Renee Huntman carry...
050811 PWS 2416.tif
Dug Huntman holds a newly-caugth shrimp in...
050811 PWS 2423.tif
Dug Huntman shows off his catch after pulling a...
050811 PWS 2465.tif
A skunk cabbage (Lysichiton americanum) glows...
050811 PWS 2484.tif
The Chugach Mountains loom over Culross...
050811 PWS 2495.tif
Long shadows form across Tebenkof Glacier, near...
050811 PWS 2566.tif
A humpback whale's (Megaptera novaeangliae)...
050811 PWS 444.tif
The Chugach Mountains loom out of the clouds on...
050811 PWS 517.tif
A flock of Surfbirds (Aphriza virgata) take off...
050811 PWS 518.tif
A flock of Surfbirds (Aphriza virgata) take off...
050811 PWS 519.tif
A flock of Surfbirds (Aphriza virgata) take off...
050811 PWS 520.tif
A flock of Surfbirds (Aphriza virgata) take off...
050811 PWS 839.tif
Clouds obscure the mountains surrounding...
050811 PWS 864.tif
The Russian Orthodox Church in the Native...
050811 PWS 870.tif
The misty Chugach Mountains loom over the...
050811 PWS 884.tif
A boat travels past the Russian Orthodox Church...
050811 PWS 894.tif
A wave splashes against an iceberg in Valdez...